April 8: The Saturday World
There is a saying amongst my circles that says
“It only took three days for the world to change”
For the followers of Jesus to go from despair to divine
For hell to forever lose the battle for the human soul
There is a day between that dark Friday and that Sunday Morning
That is not spoken of, not discussed, not shared, not celebrated
No one mourns that lost Saturday and no one celebrates its coming
The day between, when the world held it’s collective breath
But that is the world we live in, isn’t it?
That Saturday between the darkness and the light?
That day almost out of place and time where everything is possible
And nothing is possible at the same time?
Where yesterday’s tears still stain today’s reddened cheeks
And yesterday’s dreams and nightmares have not quite come to life.
We live in a world of possibility where the end is coming
But we don’t know when and we don’t know why and we don’t know if
We will be strong enough to endure until that moment
Or whether this Saturday world will win for even a moment,
And we won’t quite experience the sublime and divine.
Between a dark Friday and a bright Sunday morning
Eternity hung between darkness and light
As we live our Saturday world today
Has anything really changed?