April 4: Allowed (to want)
She is allowed (to want) more
– To dream bigger dreams than today
– To want a life that screams of joy and purpose
– To be authentic with her fears and her beliefs
She is allowed (to want) depth
– Dormant secrets below the surface bubble forth
– Knowing that deeper pain leads to deeper healing
– Unexplored parts of who she is burst to the light
She is allowed (to want) visibility
– To be seen for who she is at her best
– To be true to the beat of her heart
– To be honored for where she’s been as she finds her path now
She is allowed (to want) rebirth
– A new journey on a new path in a new way
– A chance to risk and to watch and to fail
– A new reckoning with her old self
She is allowed (to want) to live
– To grab on to the joys and the sorrows
– To define how she is seen
– To be more than she dared believe
She is allowed (to want) everything
emilyrbedwell 4/4/23