*this might be a bit of a celebration AND a bit of a rant* I have been associated with community theaters literally as long as I have been in theater. I was a part of the community theater scene in Albion long before it was officially named, branded, and a thing. We met in the…
Tag: thoughts

Broken Crayons Still Color/Broken Hearts Still Beat
They say that broken crayons can still color.They’re right, I suppose.A broken crayon isn’t ready to be thrown away;There is still a little life left in there. But broken crayons don’t color the same, do they?Their edges are smudged sometimes;They don’t quite stay inside the lines;They don’t quite fit where they used to. At their…

May Yesterday Bring Tomorrow
May the tears cried over the last 365 daysBring renewed life to the new year May the fears faced Bring strength from deep inside May the hurts exposedBe healed completely May the darkness that lingersBe erased in beautiful light May the broken piecesBe mended into a new creation May the unsaid words that scareBe revealed…

The Longest Night
It approaches quietly and without explanationWithout fanfare and without celebrationThe longest night seeps into the bonesEach heart beating, weeping, seekingThere is no way to celebarate the lightUnless we face the reality of the darkest night For a season, for a time, the darkness seems to winAs it creeps into the daytime hours, the light, the…

Dueling Depths
There are depths to her that no one has seenFears that runs deep and cold, never exposedLongings that are whispered on the wind and forgottenPrayers that are said into the void in hopes of being heard There is pain in her that no one has noticedTwo different sides of her own psyche waring for attentionOne…

The Words I Don’t Say
Sometimes I write emails, lettersAngry, passionate, hurt rantingsAbout what has been lost and what has been brokenAbout heartbreaking memories I’d rather keep hidden I don’t send them.I don’t share them.They are deleted and lost to the wind,Carried away with the stroke of a keyboard Sometimes I feel better afterwardLike a burden has been lifted from…

Firsts and Lasts
There is a symmetry to lifeBeginnings and endings; firsts and lastsEncapsulated in the story of who we areHow we’ve lived, loved, fought and celebrated FIRSTS Firsts are easy to remember, we often write them downExcited parents remember first steps and words and smilesSchool days filled with first report cards, first friends, first dancesWe remember our…