Staying in the same place would have been easier.Less risk. Less fear. Less unknown. Less expectations.Staying in the same place would have been debilitating.More of the same. More complacency. More disquiet in the soul.Staying in the same place would have been expected.Not rocking the boat. Not changing the path. Not upending the journey.Staying in the…
Tag: thoughts

Supposed to Be
April 16: Supposed to Be She was everything she was supposed to beQuiet and ordinary, go with the flow, don’t rock the boatShe was everything she was supposed to beIt was her chance and so hid herself behind a cheerful guiseShe was everything she was supposed to beThe truth of who she was pushed down…

Knotted and Frayed
Determined to unknot the path though our fingers bend and our caloused hands bleed
From the effort to unwind ourselves from the knotted, rugged landscape of our hearts.
Over under around and through we follow the mountains and valley and never quite see
Beyond the next bend the frayed edges become worn with time and tears.