There was a long, persistent lonely feeling
It wasn’t something she truly understood
But it wasn’t exactly foreign, either
It was the culmination of a million moments
Where it didn’t matter if she was around people
Or if she knew she had something to anticipate
She still felt truly lonely.
There was a soft, gentle, lovely feeling
Growing with each passing day
A promise that hope was real and deep
The anticipation of future peace and joy
Where she would feel encompassed by those that understood
And anticipation would give way to reality
And she found the world, finally, lovey.
Just one letter, one small change
Converts loneliness to loveliness
Changes lone to love
Makes lonely lovely
Is it a mindset change
A perspective shift
A challenge to be present
To believe again
To trust more
To change the lonely pieces of her life
To the lovely bits to treasure inside.